It Is raining almost everyday in Bangalore even as the city still is reeling under severe water stress and water shortage . It is ironic, surprising and also disappointing that the city planners and engineers pray for rains 300 Kms away from the city and fear the same rain in the City . What is even more depressing is that the citizens and city planners have even taken the catchment for the rain that falls 300 Kms away for granted . Massive deforestation in the catchment is having a bad impact on the quality and quantity of water . One solution for the water crisis in the city of Bangalore is rainwater harvesting. The water that falls on the roof is the cleanest and cheapest source of water . Over the years and particularly this year , the overwhelming question that i get from people is , is the rainwater potable ? Can I drink rainwater? To my knowledge, the only source of water that we know about is the Rain . Any water conveyed or consumed anywhere is the rainwater that has fallen on the earth somewhere sometime . People trust the water that has fallen as rain 300 Kms away , transported many kms as open channel , stored in barrages and conveyed through pipelines laid many decades ago (sometimes crisscrossing sewage lines ), but question the same rain that has fallen on their roofs few minutes ago . A clean catchment, a first flush arrangement, a sedimentation tank and a simple gravel and carbon filter is good enough to make the rooftop rainwater potable. Look at another perspective. The only source of contamination for the rainwater is the roof (Catchment) . If we keep the roof clean, there is no way that the rainwater can pick up any impurities . To drive home this point, I keep testing water samples collected from sedimentation and filtration tanks very regularly. As can be seen, both are potable . This is the test report from the rains in the second week of May 2024. Rainwater alone can meet most if not all of the city's needs . I have made a detailed explanatory video about it. It is there as a comment . Slowly we are making sustainability a fancy term . Over sophistication, purported exclusive knowledge, Unnecessary Jargons and never ending debates are shadowing simple doable solutions .
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